Day: 31 January 2024
Paint like Pollock. Mobile app by FIT BUT students awakens the inner artist in children and adults
Brushes, paints, palette, canvas - all these are usually considered basic necessities for artistic expression. Designed for all art lovers, regardless of age, the Pollock Artify app offers the opportunity to unleash your creativity with a tool that is always at hand - your mobile phone. Its movements are transformed into brush movements on the canvas in the style of American abstract painter Jackson Pollock. It was created by four students of the Faculty of Information Technology, Peter Zdravecký, Slavomír Svorada, Jakub Zaukolec and Jozef Čásar.
The idea to connect the world of aesthetics and technology came from a reflection on human values. "In addition to the basic needs in life, humans need to perceive aesthetic values, which include art. Pollock Artify allows you to create your own art and share it with others," explains Peter Zdravecký, one of the members of the implementation team.
More about the Pollock Artify app here.