Category: news
Day: 7 October 2021
A new company with BUT ownership interest was founded at FIT. It focuses on FPGA and ASIC technologies.
A new company with BUT ownership interest was founded at the Faculty of Information Technology. The founders of BrnoLogic, which is to be based at FIT, are researchers of the Accelerated Network Technologies research group. The company will focus on the development of FPGA and ASIC chips and thus help other companies develop new products and applications that require the use of this technology to accelerate data processing, reduce latency, power consumption, or other hard-to-reach parameters.
"We would like to support the ecosystem of companies based in the South Moravian Region and elsewhere in designing and verifying systems especially for FPGA and ASIC technologies. We build on 15 years of experience with designing various systems necessitating HW acceleration and want to pass on such experience to companies which do not have relevant capacity or knowledge to focus on this field. We also would like to apply a range of IP blocks we designed within various research activities," says Jan Kořenek, Associate Professor at FIT and one of the founders of BrnoLogic. The researchers would like to reflect the experience gained from the co-operation and designing of various applications to their teaching and work with their students.