Category: news
Day: 3 June 2021
The faculty received a new car from ŠKODA AUTO. It will serve the students in their studies
For example, students will be able to try out user interface designs or experiment with on-board systems directly on a car available at the faculty. The partner company ŠKODA AUTO donated an Octavia IV. "It will now be used in specialised courses as well as in courses and seminars falling under the Cyberphysical Systems specialisation. Matěj Mitaš, a member of our team, who has unfortunately left us recently, deserves much of the credit for that, but also thanks to his efforts, the car will now be a part of teaching at the faculty," said Peter Chudý. The Aeroworks research group, which he leads, has been co-operating with the automobile plant for a long time - together they have developed, for example, a unique system enabling the company's technical development staff to easily design various user interfaces (for more information, see the earlier press release).