Category: news
Day: 7 May 2021
Students presented their best IT ideas at the Excel@FIT conference
Over five dozen papers were presented in the final selection of the Excel@FIT student conference, which was held on Thursday by the Faculty of Information Technology of Brno University of Technology for the seventh time. FIT students presented their papers selected for the final round by a committee of experts from both the academic and commercial sectors. The faculty distributed CZK 160,000 among the best contenders. The conference traditionally seeks to showcase the best practical solutions developed by IT students. "It is a space where students can present their work and inspire each other with their projects. They also have the opportunity to get feedback not only from academics but also from industry experts. We were pleasantly surprised by the interest in this year's competition, which had to be held online for the second time already, and especially the high quality of the papers presented," said Milan Češka, Executive Chairman of the Excel@FIT Board. You can find more in the press release.