Category: news
Day: 7 April 2021
FIT team wins first place in the MAPC - Multi-Agent Programming Contest
A FIT BUT team won the fifteenth year of the most prestigious multi-agent programming competition, MAPC 2021. Consisting of František Zbořil Jr., Václav Uhlíř as the main programmer and doctoral students František Vídeňský and Martin Šůstek, the team succeeded in global competition at the event, which compares different programming systems and approaches to the design of multi-agent systems. The team developed their own system, which succeeded in a series of challenges called Agents Assemble. "In this competition, the agents need to be quick, independent and have the social abilities to cooperate and resolve conflicts. We opted for a more reactive approach in which agents are not burdened by the commitments of previous plans and have the ability to quickly react to unexpected changes in the system. This paid off and our system outperformed other teams who relied on more stubborn agents," explained František Zbořil Jr. The aim of the MAPC competition is to promote research and development in the field of multi-agent system programming. The solutions and results of this competition are then regularly published in scholarly journals.