Category: news
Day: 8 December 2020
FIT will co-operate on the development of the BringAuto autonomous vehicle
The Faculty of Information Technology will co-operate on the development of an autonomous control system for the autonomous vehicle called BringAuto. Beginning next year, researchers from the Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia will train deep neural networks and "teach" the vehicle to drive itself, as a part of the new project called H2020 5G-ERA. At this point, trial runs of the vehicle are being conducted in an Ostrava industrial site, where it collects chemical samples from individual production facilities and transports them to a laboratory. In future, it may also be used to deliver shipments, serve as a food truck or disinfect buildings. You can read more about autonomous vehicles in Forbes, which mentions the co-operation with FIT as well; an article on BringAuto can be found online at