Category: news
Day: 17 April 2020
Information for applicants: SCIO tests are postponed, enrolments will be in distance mode
SCIO postpones the dates of national comparative exams (the date from 1 May is postponed to 13 June, from 23 May to 27 June and from 13 June to 11 July). These dates are final and will not change. The tests will take place in the Czech Republic in person, in Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine or other countries online (if the situation in the Czech Republic does not allow it, they will be also online at the given date). In addition, SCIO has organized an extraordinary exam date at 30 May, which will be online for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. FIT will accept the results of all dates. Applicants can choose the date of the exam paid by the faculty - it can be either 13 or 27 June.
Enrolments will be organized in distance mode within the set deadlines. Accepted applicants will receive a registration form from the faculty by post, which they will send back together with a certified copy of the graduation certificate. The study department will then enrol them for study in the next following enrolment date. It is therefore not necessary to apologize if you are unable to attend a certain enrolment deadline. However, the letter must be delivered by the deadline of enrolment. We would like to appeal to applicants not to postpone this due to possible problems with delivery by post or inconsistencies with documents.
Confirmation of study will be sent by the faculty to newly enrolled students by post immediately after the enrolment.
UPDATE: The results of the school-leaving examinations for preferential admission can be submitted in June