Category: news
Day: 27 September 2019
Best Paper award from CADE 2019 for the VeriFIT group
Vojtěch Havlena, Lukáš Holík, Ondřej Lengál and Tomáš Vojnar of the VeriFIT group received the award for the best paper at the prestigious CADE 2019 conference dealing with the subject of automated verification in formal systems. The article titled "Automata Terms in a Lazy WSkS Decision Procedure" deals with decision-making on formulae for the WSkS logic using symbolic techniques for work with finite-state (tree) automata. The WSkS logic is used e.g. to describe infinite sets of charts in formal assessment and search for errors in programs with dynamic data structures. In addition, the Programme Committee awarded Vojtěch Havlena with the student Woody Bledsoe Award for an extraordinary contribution in the area of automated assessment.