Category: news
Day: 23 September 2019
The faculty gave out almost two hundred microcomputers to first-year students in Master’s study programmes
The Faculty gave out almost two hundred small single-plate Raspberry Pi 3B+ computers to first-year students enrolled in the new Master's programme Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence. Since this academic year, the programme has been offering seventeen new specialisations with curricula responding to the current trends and needs in the rapidly developing field of IT.
The microcomputers were handed over to the first batch of students by the Faculty Dean Pavel Zemčík and his colleagues today at the introductory lecture of the AVS course (Architektury výpočetních systémů - Computational Systems Architecture). "With this step, we want to motivate the students and provide them with an impulse to obtain a positive relationship, or even 'love' towards hardware," said Pavel Zemčík.
Raspberry Pi will enable students to work on school projects but its use is much broader - students can connect small electronic devices to it, they can create a multimedia video or music player, control camera surveillance systems, build a robot or automate their households.